Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ryan Refuse to drink milk at night!

Ryan is getting more and more mischievous each day. Now, refuse to drink his milk at night and wanted to drink plain water instead. He's going 5 months soon, and waiting for our baby doctor to give green signal for feeding him solid food.

Went to the young parents fiesta, not much things over there but managed
to sign up the young parents subscription at $54 and got one of the avent products free.
Ryan took a photo over there too. During the queue, me and ding actually were quite worried whether Ryan will cry when he placed down for the photoshoot as some of the babies cried, nevertheless, Ryan did not cry. I tried to make him smile by using the method thought by Liu Yi - the "UH CHA" method, and he smiled. The photographer quickly snapped and snapped his camera and this was the photo that was given to us free!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

RyaN RyaN Ryan

Today at harbourfront managed to take some photos, told Ryan that next time will bring him go cruise.

Went to the gymboree for the play and learn, Ryan enjoyed himself, got another baby joined in the class today too. Ryan was 3 days older than the other baby. They kept looking at each other and smiled. So cute!

Ryan so fortunate, to have so many people dote and love him! Liu Yi's family even took him to East Coast Park after fetching Gary from airport last Thursday.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Growing Up

Ryan's is growing fast and he's now can lift up his head and shoulders high, using his arms for support when placed on his tummy.

He's now able to reach and grab an object, even though he often misses his mark on the first try.
Once he wraps his hands around something, he'll study it for a moment and then try to put it in his mouth. He's now also dribble a lot. Now, he can play with his hands and feet for a few minutes at a time. A miracle! Suddenly we realise it's strangely quiet in the bedroom so you look in, only to discover that Ryan, who so far has needed our attention for most of every waking moment, is amusing himself.

His attention starts to gravitate toward other people and things during mealtimes, and though it's exciting to see him aware of and responsive to new things, feedings sometimes is so difficult.